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Library & Information Science

LIS updated guide

Journal Articles

Research articles are mainly published in Research Journals, which are available online. You can find and access to suggested online Library and Information Science journals on the Key Journals tab, above on the right.

It is better to search across many journals using Journal Databases, some are included in the Key Journal Databases tab, above on the extreme right. You can also find and access online Medical BioScience research articles using the Databases by Discipline option on the library's website. 

You can take a look at the video below to find out how to search for research articles and books using uKwazi. 

South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science

The journal seeks to embrace a wide range of practical and research components, including information and research literacy, information management, children's literature, ethics, globalization, impact of the digital divide, technology, scholarly communication, open scholarship, indigenous knowledge systems, etc. The objective is to serve and reflect the interests of the South Africa LIS community across the spectrum of its wide-ranging activities and research. In addition to formal scholarly articles, the editors will solicit articles on issues of practice and controversial matters as they arise. It is intended to actively encourage young writers, researchers and practitioners to share their experiences and findings so that all aspects of research, teaching, thinking and practice are brought together.

College & Research Libraries

College & Research Libraries

College & Research Libraries (C&RL) is the official scholarly research journal of the Association of College & Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association

International Journal on Digital Libraries

This journal examines the theory and practice of acquisition, definition, organization, management, and dissemination of digital information via global networking. It emphasizes issues in digital information production, management, and use; high-speed networks and connectivity; interoperability and seamless integration of information, people, profiles, tasks, and needs; security and privacy of individuals and business transactions; and effective business processes.

The Journal of Academic Librarianship

Go to journal home page - The Journal of Academic Librarianship

The Journal of Academic Librarianship, an international and refereed journal, publishes articles that focus on problems and issues germane to college and university libraries. JAL provides a forum for authors to present research findings and their practical applications and significance; analyze policies, practices, issues, and trends; speculate about the future of academic librarianship; present analytical bibliographic essays and philosophical treatises. JAL also provides special features in each issue which include information on academic library technology issues, research in international librarianship, digests of special reports, and a guide to sources and analysis of library metrics.

Public Library Quarterly

Public Library Quarterly (PLQ) is addressed to leaders-directors, managers, staff, trustees, and friends who believe that change is imperative if public libraries are to fulfill their service missions in the twenty-first century.

Library Trends

A thematic journal focusing on current trends in all areas of library practice; each issue explores topics of interest primarily to practicing librarians and information scientists and secondarily to teachers and students.

In The Library With The Lead Pipe

Site logo with site name and tagline

In the Library with the Lead Pipe is an open access, open peer-reviewed journal founded and run by a team of librarians working in various types of libraries. In addition to publishing articles and editorials by Editorial Board members, Lead Pipe publishes articles by authors representing diverse perspectives including educators, administrators, library support staff, technologists, and community members.



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