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Welcome to the Department of Sociology LibGuide

This guide provides information and links to resources that could be useful for  Sociology students. To access the list of key resources in Sociology and guidance on searching for resources, click on one of the options on the left.

Please do not hesitate the contact me for further inquiries and feedback about this guide. We are here to help you become proficient in finding, evaluating and integrating information into your assignments. My contact details are on the box on the left, or come and visit me on level 8 of the main library. 

Use the search box above to discover the quality study and research materials the library has gathered for you. For a tutorial and video on how to use uKwazi click on the Find Books button on the left.




To help you understand some of our “library Language” the UWC library has created a multilingual online glossary, please check it out.

Helpful Hint


The library runs training and orientation sessions on a variety of library topics, including how to use uKwazi. These are usually advertised or you can check when the next session is and book yourself, using this link:


University of the Western Cape,

Robert Sobukwe Road,



Tel: 021 959 2946