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Competition Law

This Competition Law LibGuide offers essential resources for students.

Reading list

  1. Lianos, Ioannis, Nicola Countouris, and Valerio De Stefano. "Re-thinking the competition law/labour law interaction: Promoting a fairer labour market." European Labour Law Journal 10.3 (2019): 291-333.
  2. Doherty, Michael. "Back to the future of EU labour law? A review of Marc Rigaux, Jan Buelens and Amanda Latinne, from labour law to social competition law?." King's Law Journal 25.3 (2014): 467-475.
  3. Nowag, Julian. "The Uber-cartel? UBER between labour and competition law." UBER between Labour and Competition Law (2016).
  4. Verschueren, Herwig. "The European internal market and the competition between workers." European Labour Law Journal 6.2 (2015): 128-151.
  5. DEL PUNTA, Riccardo. "The economic challenge to Labour Law." Compliance with labour legislation: its efficacy and efficiency (2010): 5.
  6. McGaughey, Ewan. "Competition and Labour Law in the United Kingdom: History, Theory and Practice." The Cambridge Handbook of Labour in Competition Law (Cambridge University Press Forthcoming), King's College London Law School Research Paper Forthcoming (2021).
  7. Rigaux, Marc. "Labour law or social competition law? The right to dignity of working people questioned (once again). Observations on the future of labour law." Labour law to social competition law (2014).
  8. Wedderburn, Lord. "Labour law 2008: 40 Years on." Industrial Law Journal 36.4 (2007): 397-424.
  9. Bellace, Janice R. "Back to the future: workplace relations and labour law in the 21st century in the Asia Pacific context." Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 56.4 (2018): 433-449.
  10. Deakin, Simon. "Legal diversity and regulatory competition: which model for Europe?." European Law Journal 12.4 (2006): 440-454.
  11. Hepple, Bob. "Can Collective Labour Law Transplants Work-The South African Example." Indus. LJ 20 (1999).
  12. Fudge, Judy, Eric Tucker, and Leah F. Vosko. "Changing boundaries in employment: developing a new platform for labour law." Canadian Lab. & Emp. LJ 10 (2003): 329.
  13. Freedland, Mark, and Nicola Kountouris. "Some reflections on the ‘personal scope’of collective labour law." Industrial Law Journal 46.1 (2017): 52-71.
  14. Davulis, Tomas. "Main features of Lithuanian Labour Law reform 2016." Available at SSRN 3004151 (2017).
  15. Bavaro, Vincenzo, and Vincenzo Pietrogiovanni. "A hypothesis on the economic nature of labour law: The collective labour freedoms." European Labour Law Journal 9.3 (2018): 263-286.
  16. Davulis, Tomas. "Main features of Lithuanian Labour Law reform 2016." Available at SSRN 3004151 (2017).
  17. Schömann, Isabelle. "Collective bargaining and the limits of competition law: Protecting the fundamental labour rights of self-employed workers." ETUI Research Paper-Policy Brief (2022).
  18. Maggiolino, Mariateresa. "The Application of Competition Law to Labour Markets: Some Unresolved Issues." Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 11.Supplement_1 (2023): i127-i149.
  19. Monti, Giorgio. "Collective labour agreements and EU competition law: five reconfigurations." European Competition Journal 17.3 (2021): 714-744.
  20. Odudu, Okeoghene. "The wider concerns of competition law." Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30.3 (2010): 599-613.
  21. Louis Kaplow, On the Choice of Welfare Standards in Competition Law (Harvard John M. Olin Discussion Paper Series, No. 693, May 2011).
  22. Laura Parret (2010) Shouldn't We Know What We Are Protecting? Yes We Should! A Plea for a Solid and Comprehensive Debate About the Objectives of EU Competition Law and Policy, European Competition Journal, 6:2, 339-376
  23. Zenger, Hans, and Mike Walker. "Theories of harm in European competition law: A progress report." TEN YEARS OF EFFECTS-BASED APPROACH IN EU COMPETITION LAW, Jacques Bourgeois and Denis Waelbroeck, eds (2012): 185-209.
  24. Max Huffman (2010) Bridging the Divide? Theories For Integrating Competition Law and Consumer Protection, European Competition Journal, 6:1, 7-45,
  25. Kerber, Wolfgang. "Should competition law promote efficiency? Some reflections of an economist on the normative foundations of competition law." ECONOMIC THEORY AND COMPETITION LAW, Josef Drexl, Laurence Idot, and Joel Moneger, eds., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (2008).
  26. Hovenkamp, Herbert. "The Harvard and Chicago Schools and the dominant firm." U Iowa Legal Studies Research Paper 07-19 (2010).
  27. Posner, Richard A. "The Chicago school of antitrust analysis." U. Pa. L. Rev. 127 (1978): 925.
  28. Mncube, Liberty, and Hardin Ratshisusu. "Competition policy and black empowerment: South Africa’s path to inclusion." Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 11.1 (2023): 74-90.
  29. Vilakazi, Thando, and Stefano Ponte. "Black Economic Empowerment and Quota Allocations in South Africa's Industrial Fisheries." Development and Change 53.5 (2022): 1059-1086.
  30. Bosch C ‘The Implied Term of Trust and Confidence in South African Labour Law’ (2006) 27 ILJ 28.
  31. Conradie M ‘The Constitutional Right to Fair Labour Practices: A Consideration of the influence and Continued Importance of the Historical Regulation of (Un)fair Labour Practices Pre-1977’ (2016) 22 (2) Fundamina 163.
  32. Du Toit D ‘Should Precarious Work Be the Focus of Labour Law?’ (2018) 39 ILJ 2089.
  33. Weiss M ‘International developments in Labour Law in the Last 20 Years’ (2018) 39 ILJ 693.
  34. Hendrickx, F ‘Regulating new ways of working: From the new “wow” to the new “how”’ (2018) 9(2) European Labour Law Journal 197.
  35. Mokoena K, ‘Are Uber drivers employees: A look at emerging business models and whether they can be accommodated by South African Labour Law’ (2016) 37 ILJ 1574.
  36. Recommendation No. 204 concerning the Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy.
  37. Fairwork. (2020). Code of Good Practice for The Regulation of Platform Work in South Africa. Cape Town, Western Cape; Oxford, United Kingdom.
  38. Work for a brighter future – Global Commission on the Future of Work International Labour Office – Geneva: ILO, 2019.
  39. Berg, J. et al., 2018. Digital labour platforms and the future of work: Towards decent work in the online world. International Labour Office.
  40. Countouris, N., 2019. Defining and regulating work relations for the future of work. International Labour Office. Geneva.
  41. Cunningham-Parmeter, K., 2016. From Amazon to Uber: Defining employment in the modern economy. BUL Rev., 96.
  42. Davidov, G., 2005. Who is a Worker?. Industrial Law Journal, 34(1), pp.57-71.
  43. Fairwork, 2020. Code of Good Practice on the Regulation of Platform Work in South Africa: Executive Summary and Code. The Fairwork Project.
  44. Fairwork, 2020. Code of Good Practice on the Regulation of Platform Work in South Africa: Explanatory Memorandum. The Fairwork Project.
  45. Fourie, E.S., 2008. Non-standard workers: the South African context, international law and regulation by the European Union. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal, 11(4), 110.
  46. Fudge, J., 2012. Blurring Legal Boundaries: Regulating for Decent Work, in Fudge, J., McCrystal, S. & and Sankaran, K. (eds). 2012. Challenging the Legal Boundaries of WorkRegulation (Hart Publishing).
  47. ILO, 2016. Non-Standard Employment around the World: Understanding Challenges,Shaping Prospects. International Labour Organisation.


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