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Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science

This guide will help you discover key resources such as books, journal articles, relevant databases and other relevant information that supports your study of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Sciences.

Finding books and e-books

The library collects books to support your studies. More recently we are purchasing mainly ebooks. This page presents three main categories of books: New Books, Key Textbooks (Short Loan Books) and Reference Books.

You can find books in the library by using uKwazi. Online books can be accessed by clicking on the relevant link on uKwazi.


611 Human anatomy
612 Human physiology
612.044 Exercise physiology
612.39 Human metabolism
612.76 Biomechanics and kinesiology
613.2 Dietetics and composition of foods
613.2024 Sports nutrition
613.7 Physical fitness
613.711 Sports training and conditioning
617.1027 Sports injury and sports medicine
796.01 Sport psychology
796.072 Research methods in sport
796.077 Sports coaching


University of the Western Cape,

Robert Sobukwe Road,



Tel: 021 959 2946