Here are some key environmental law legislations in South Africa and international environmental agreements:
Environmental Law Legislation in South Africa:
- National Environmental Management Act (NEMA): This is a central piece of legislation in South Africa that provides the legal framework for environmental management, impact assessments, and conservation efforts.
- National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA): This law focuses on the conservation and sustainable use of South Africa's biodiversity, including protected areas and threatened species.
- National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act: It regulates air quality, sets emission standards, and addresses air pollution control measures.
- National Water Act: This act governs the management of water resources, including allocation, protection, and quality control.
- National Environmental Management: Waste Act (NEMWA): NEMWA is responsible for waste management, waste reduction, recycling, and hazardous waste disposal.
- Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA): This law regulates mining activities in South Africa, including environmental impact assessments and mine closure requirements.
- Marine Living Resources Act: It governs the conservation and sustainable utilization of marine resources in South African waters.
- Carbon Tax Act: This act imposes a carbon tax on greenhouse gas emissions to encourage emissions reductions and combat climate change.
- Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Acts: Various provincial and municipal laws address land use planning and zoning, which have implications for environmental management.
International Environmental Agreements:
These are some of the significant environmental law legislations in South Africa and international environmental agreements that play a vital role in environmental protection and management at both the national and global levels.