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Copyright LibGuide

This guide provides information about understanding copyright law, fair use and best practices for protecting and sharing creative works

Copyright at UWC

What is DALRO

DALRO is a multi-purpose collective management organisation (CMO) established in 1967. With over half a century of service, it has requisite track record, networks and reliability. DALRO licenses works, facilitates and grants permission for copyright users to reproduce works, collects fees and remunerates copyright holders.

It focuses on three areas of copyright; literary works, artistic works and published editions


The following YouTube video provides an overview about "What Does DALRO Do"


Course reserves at UWC are subject to licensing agreements between UWC and the respective publishers represented by the Dramatic, Artistic and Literary Rights Organisation (DALRO) in line with the South African Copyright Law (Act 98 0f 1978) and applicable guidelines.


Download the PDF document below to gain a deeper understanding between DALRO, University of the Western Cape library copyright & online course reserves guidelines.


Transactional licence & Blanket licence Overview

A transactional licence and a blanket licence are both legal agreements that grant permission to use certain intellectual property, but they differ in scope and purpose.

DALRO offers both forms of licences, the blanket licence offers educational institution greater flexibility.


Transactional Licence transactional licence is a one-off licence which requires institutions to obtain permissions up front for the specific reproduction of a specific item for a specific purpose.  (UWC and CPUT)
Blanket Licence blanket licence is an umbrella licence issued to education institutions against payment of a fixed fee per FTEs (Full-time equivalent Student) (UCT and SU)


Copyright clearance for online material

Universities are increasingly turning to online learning as a form of business continuity during the Lockdown period.  This will entail a marked increase in the need for online distribution of licensed and other works for remote access by students and teaching staff.

A statement has been published by the Publishers’ Association of South Africa (PASA) and the Dramatic, Artistic and Literary Rights Organisation (DALRO), giving guidance on procedures to follow when needing to reproduce licensed works. They have subsequently introduced measures that apply to:

  1. Printed materials not available digitally that universities need to digitise now for access on secure electronic networks of the university i.e. iKamva
  2. Digital materials available under a restricted university-wide license that need to be accessible remotely.

Steps to follow at UWC:

  • Complete online form: Copyright Clearance Request Form
  • The library will source possible avenues for obtaining digital versions
  • If digital versions are unavailable, permission to digitise will be granted depending on each case
  • Material can be placed on iKamva

Online Material

  1. Find your article on the library databases e.g. EbscoHost
  2. Select the article
  3. Select “export” in the right hand column
  4. Select “direct export in RIS format”
  5. Click “save”. The file is now saved as “delivery.ris”
  6. Open iKamva to your course resources
  7. Click on the “Add” dropdown button & select “Add citation list”
  8. Select “import citations”, and then click “browse” or “choose file” to go to your saved “delivery.ris” file. Select the file & click “import”. Your new article citation now appears in your resources.
  9. To test it (even off campus), click on the article titlewhich should open to the extended bibliographic page of the article.
  10. Select the PDF full text to open the document

Contact Information 

For further inquiries contact us at:

Additionally consult: Copyrights UWC 


The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) 

The University of the Western Cape has complied with national legislation to ensure that your personal information is confidential and secure. The Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (POPIA) comes into effect today, 1 July 2021, and stipulates how institutions should, among other things, introduce conditions for the lawful processing of personal information.

University of the Western Cape library copyright & online course reserves guidelines Visit UWC@POPIA for additional information.

For questions about the UWC POPIA Policy, please email:




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