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Research Data Management

This guide provides information on processes, procedures and policies with Regards to Research Data Management (RDM) and lists some tools and resources that support RDM.

Data Management Plans (DMP)

A DMP serves as a roadmap explaining the collection, storage and distribution of research data through the research project lifecycle. DMPs promote transparency, secure storage, reproducibility, and data reuse. The various elements in a Data Management Plan helps researchers explain that their research data are effectively managed, documented, preserved, and shared in compliance with ethical guidelines, legal requirements, and best practices in data management. 

Elements of Data Management Plans

Data description

Specify the types of data to be collected, such as experimental results, survey responses, observational data, or textual documents, describe the methods and procedures for data collection including instruments, protocols, and sampling techniques and  identify the intended audience or users of the data,
Access and sharing Detail where and how the data will be stored, whether on local servers, cloud platforms, or institutional repositories. Describe access controls, authentication mechanisms, and permissions for data retrieval.
Metadata Define the metadata schema or standards to be used for describing the data. This includes information about data structure, context, provenance, and relationships.
Intellectual Property Rights Clarify who owns the data, whether it's the researchers, institution, or funding agency and address any copyright issues or restrictions imposed by funders on data sharing and reuse.
Ethics and Privacy Describe how informed consent will be obtained from participants, including consent forms and procedures for data anonymization or de-identification to protect privacy.
Format Specify the preferred data formats for storage and sharing, considering interoperability, accessibility, and long-term preservation requirements.
Archiving and preservation

Outline plans for data archiving and preservation beyond the project's duration. Identify suitable repositories or preservation platforms and describe strategies for regular data backups to prevent data loss due to technical failures or disasters.

Retention period Define the duration for which data will be retained after the project's completion. Consider legal, ethical, and disciplinary requirements when determining the retention period.
Resources and Responsibilities

Specify the individuals or teams responsible for data management tasks, including data collection, documentation, storage, sharing, and preservation. Identify the resources needed to support data management activities, such as personnel, funding, software tools, and training programs.

Templates for DMPs at UWC

According to the UWC RDM Policy, all long-term management of any conducted research that is formally associated with UWC needs to be described with a DMP. A useful DMP spreadsheet template has been created by the UWC RDM team to help researchers build their own data management plans. A useful checklist document for those undertaking projects that involve large and complex datasets that include personal data can be accessed below.


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