Before you begin searching for information, make sure you understand the legal situation or problem.
Legal Research Process
Researching legal issues will generally involve checking multiple sources and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach as each legal problem will have its own unique considerations. The steps below are a useful guide but you will need to apply your own judgement and legal thinking skills in researching.
Legal Problem or Situation
Step 1. Analyse the problem – identify the legal issues
Step 2. Plan your research strategy – what are your key sources and key concepts you need to use?
Step 3. Use secondary sources to get an overview of the legal issues
Step 4. Follow leads to primary sources – these are your key authorities
Step 5. Check for currency – are your authorities still ‘good law’?
Step 6. Broaden your search for more information as necessary, from journals, core texts etc.
Step 7. Document your research process as you go.
What is the IRAC Method?
IRAC is the acronym for Issue, Rules, Application (Analysis), and Conclusion. While issue stands for the legal issue(s) in a given set of facts, rules denote the laws regarding the legal issue. Laws include statutory laws as well as precedents. Application stands for interpretation of the facts in the light of the law. Once you go through the rules, you will identify some elements that connect the rules with the facts. The facts may or may not meet the requirements laid out by the rules. Through analysis of facts and rules, you will get an answer to the legal question, and the answer is the conclusion. What are the steps in the IRAC method? Let us take a look.
The IRAC method provides a structure to answering legal problem questions.
Before you use the IRAC method you need to assess the entire legal problem to discover where IRAC needs to be applied.
Read the question carefully to determine
Once you have done this and identified the 'issues' that need resolution you apply IRAC to each of them. Sub-issues may also arise and you can apply IRAC to these issues as well.
IRAC stands for
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