Juta ePublications provides online full-text access to the latest versions of South African statutes currently in force, along with more recent regulations as well as the South African Law Reports and South African Criminal Law Reports in particular (as well as a range of books and journals)
The EZproxy system will ask you to identify yourself as a UWC student.
It will ask you for a username and password i.e. student number and ID number for South Africans.
Password starting with !St followed by IDnr.
Foreign students can use their date of birth as a password. Date of birth starting with the year, then the month, and last the day.
If your month or day is a single digit, you must add a 0 in front e.g. January = 01
The Juta home screen is divided into two columns:
1.Toolbar: Using the toolbar you can switch views, perform searches, open the search results page and perform other actions.
2. Search Tools: Using the Search tools of the site you can conduct searches using customized search forms (using the “Choose Advanced Search Form(s)” drop-down list), perform simple searches (using input box and Search button) as well as clear search results (using the Clear button).
3. Table of Contents: Using the Table of Contents you can navigate through the publications. Also use the Table of Contents to select for Searches, Select View, Printing, and Exporting functions.
4. Document Viewing Area: Using the Document Viewing area you can view the documents that you select from the Table of Contents or from the results of a search. The document viewing area takes up the majority of the space on the Jutastat system.
Toolbar - View Tabs
Using Hyperlinks in the Document View Pane
Clicking on a hyperlink in the Document viewing area links you to related documents like case annotations, footnotes, amended legislation, etc.
Types of Search Forms
There are different Search Forms available:
1) General Search Form (default option) – this search form is used to conduct a broad search of all the publications the library subscribed to by typing search terms into the general search field.
2) Search Forms – all-purpose forms for all users:
Advanced and Boolean search forms allow for flexibility in search through all or specified publications for specific matches. Matches to words/keywords typed in the search form.
Check-boxes appear in the Table of Contents when a search form is selected. Use the checkboxes to restrict the search by selecting only the publications you want to search within.
3) Customized Search Forms – specific to the publications you are subscribed to:
Law Reports, and Journal Searches.
This format focuses the search and retrieves the exact information more readily.
4) Pre-selecting publications – Click next to the publication in which you would like to conduct your search, a tick will appear next to the publication. This will reduce the number of results you find and reduce your research time significantly since your searches will now be targeted to specific publications.
A full list of legal abbreviations can be found here:
Searching for Cases - Using the Contents Column
Choose Advanced Search Form(s)
Viewing the list of Search Results
The Full-Text of the Case
Watch the video on Law Report search:
Boolean Search
You can search a subset of the site by choosing
sections in the table of contents (in the frame on the left).
Printing Documents
After you have located the documents(s) you require, you can either print, download, or export the information. The selection has already been made to print or download. Click on “Continue”.
Exporting Documents
Select Exporting Options and select your choice of content or multiple documents from the checkboxes.
University of the Western Cape,
Robert Sobukwe Road,
Tel: 021 959 2946