During your university study you will be confronted with academic literature for the first time. It is essential that you learn what academic literature is, where to find it and how to use it correctly. To succeed in this you need to develop new skills; information literacy skills. These skills are part of the academic skills you will be taught during your university degree.
There are six units to help you develop your knowledge and skill in working with information sources.
The tutorial does not have to be completed in one sitting.
Please do not hesitate to contact your Faculty Librarian for further assistance. Alternatively, contact Sylvester Jeffries via the contact box here on the bottom left-hand side.
Information Literacy is a set of skills that you can use to identify the specific information you need and to locate, evaluate and use the information effectively (ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, 2015).
Take a moment to enjoy this entertaining video on information literacy and student research, a creative adaptation of Coldplay's popular song "Viva La Vida" featuring new lyrics by Dr. James F. McGrath from Butler University.
Source: Viva la Library (The Information Literacy Song)
Learning Objectives
By the end of the six units, you should be able to:
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