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Information Literacy Tutorial: Module 3

A module-based information literacy tutorial that addresses each stage of the research process, including selecting a topic, identifying information needs, selecting sources, locating information, evaluating information, and citing sources.

Learning Objectives

Identifying References

The student will identify and interpret a bibliographic citation for the following sources:

  • book
  • article from magazine
  • article from journal
  • chapter in a book
  • government publication
  • website

The student will also know how to determine whether the Library has access to full text of a cited journal article, and be able to locate this.

Understanding References

First, read the Learning Objectives at left. Then, click here to begin Module 3.

 Module 3 has 3 pages, as follows:


A. Unpacking your reading list (Understanding what each item on the list is pointing to)
B. Types of references (How you can tell what each item is and where to search for it)
C. Locating full-text (Discover how to get to the full-text of an online article)




University of the Western Cape,

Robert Sobukwe Road,



Tel: 021 959 2946