Plagiarism in plain English:
Intentional plagiarism:
Unintentional plagiarism:
The UWC policy with regard to plagiarism - University Calendar, Rule A.5.1.8
1. Paraphrasing (writing the ideas in your own words)
Harvard Style:
The sentence starts with the surname of the author followed by the date and page reference in round brackets.
Anderson (1987:73-74) advances three arguments against the death penalty. He contends that the death penalty is inhuman and no society that purports to be civilized can condone it. It has never been proved that the death penalty acts as a deterrent, and, furthermore, many innocent people have died in vain for the crimes committed by others....
APA Style
Note the punctuation is different: the date is followed by a comma and the pages are preceded by p. (1987, p.73-74.)
Anderson (1987:p.73-74) advances three arguments against the death penalty. He contends that the death penalty is inhuman and no society that purports to be civilized can condone it. It has never been proved that the death penalty acts as a deterrent, and, furthermore, many innocent people have died in vain for the crimes committed by others....
2. Quoting (writing the exact words of the author)
Harvard Style
The sentence ends with the surname of the author, the date of the publication and the page references in round brackets.
"My arguments against the death penalty are three-fold. To do away with any human being is uncivilised and inhuman. There is no proof that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to heinous criminal acts... and it's a documented fact that many innocent men and women have been wrongly sentenced for the crimes of others" (Anderson, 1987:73-74)
APA Style
APA style is different: the date is followed by a comma and the pages are preceded by p.
"My arguments against the death penalty are three-fold. To do away with any human being is uncivilised and inhuman. There is no proof that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to heinous criminal acts... and it's a documented fact that many innocent men and women have been wrongly sentenced for the crimes of others" (Anderson, 1987, p.73-74)
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