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Information Literacy Tutorial: A. Unpacking your reading list

A module-based information literacy tutorial that addresses each stage of the research process, including selecting a topic, identifying information needs, selecting sources, locating information, evaluating information, and citing sources.

Understanding References

            Unpacking your reading list

Lecturers usually recommend readings for their students. They compile a list of these readings in the form of references and may instruct students to find them in the library. The references operate as a kind of "address" that tells you where to find the specific reading.  In most cases, students struggle or fail altogether to find these readings in the library. They fail to find them because they don't yet understand how to unpack each reference.  

This module will assist you to understand selected types of references in your reading list. You will also be able to choose relevant library resources to search for them.

See below some examples of types of references that are commonly included in your reading list:


·       Books

·       Journal articles

·       Government documents

·       Conference papers


·       Dissertations

·       Chapters/Essays in a book

·       Internet documents

·       Newspaper articles





University of the Western Cape,

Robert Sobukwe Road,



Tel: 021 959 2946