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Information Literacy Tutorial: D. Observing Fair Use

A module-based information literacy tutorial that addresses each stage of the research process, including selecting a topic, identifying information needs, selecting sources, locating information, evaluating information, and citing sources.

Fair Use

  • The doctrine of fair use allows copyrighted works to be used for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. 
  • As students you often need to make copies from books, journals and other materials.
  • You are not allowed to copy an entire book or journal. 
  • You may only copy two chapters from a book or three articles from one issue from a journal.
  • This may only be done for your own personal use, not multiple copies for others.

Observing Fair Use

 Fair Use


Available online:  Image source:


   End of Module. Do Assessment


University of the Western Cape,

Robert Sobukwe Road,



Tel: 021 959 2946